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Winter's Eve at Lincoln Square

Monday, December 2



There is a free Winter's Eve Trolley that runs North to South throughout the event.

Check the Program Map for trolley stop locations. 


Indoor Venues:


The Shops at Columbus Circle (10 Columbus Circle)

Broadway Under the Stars: 5:00pm

Jack Frost: The Original Freezemeister: 6:00pm

LaGuardia High School Show Choir: 7:00pm

Jazz at Lincoln Center: Karlea Lynne: 8:00pm


David Rubenstein Atrium (61 West 62nd St.)

Strings N Skins: 7:00pm


The Empire Hotel (44 West 63rd St.)

Students from the School for Strings: 6:00pm-7:30pm


Tisch WNET Studios (66th St. & B'way)

ALL ARTS Performances: 6:00pm, 7:00pm, & 8:00pm


American Folk Art Museum (125 Columbus Ave)

Melanie Charles Trio: 6:00pm, 7:00pm, & 8:00pm


Film at Lincoln Center (144 West 65th St.) 

Free screening of Home Alone: 6:30pm


Raymour & Flanigan (1961 B'way)

Kids' Central 

Twinkle Time: 6:15pm & 7:30pm 

Activities: all evening


Apple Store, Upper West Side (1981 B'way)

Jasminfire: 6:00pm

Sing Harlem Choir: 8:30pm


TD Bank (1995 B'way)
Student Chamber Groups from Kaufman Music Center: 5:30pm-7:00pm




West Side YMCA at TD Ameritrade (1881 B'Way): 5:30pm

Kids' crafts at TD Bank (1873 B'way): 5:30pm-7:00pm


DJ Performances at Innovation Luggage (2001 B'way) & Kiehl's Since 1851, Inc. (154 Columbus Ave): all evening

Electric violinist at Bed, Bath & Beyond (1932 B'way): all evening


Organ mini-concerts at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (125 Columbus Ave): every 20 minutes

Activities & performances at The Church of St. Paul the Apostle (405 West 59th St.): all evening


Open house at Color Me Mine (177 Amsterdam Ave)

Live music at lululemon (1928 B'way) 

Concert at Professional Children's School (132 West 60th St.): 6:30pm



Rain Protected Areas: 


TD Bank Dance Tent (62nd St. & Columbus Ave)


New York City Swing: 6:00pm & 7:45pm

DJ Mikey Palms: 5:30pm & 7:15pm


30 Lincoln Plaza

under an overhang

Columbia Kingsman: 6:00pm & 7:00pm

Broadway Buskers: 8:00pm

New York Choy Lay Fut Lion Dance Team


1900 Broadway 

under an overhang

Mariachi Nuevo Mexico: 6:15pm, 7:15pm, & 8:15pm


Ice sculpting at 125 Columbus Ave is under an overhang



Lincoln Square Business Improvement District
1881 Broadway, Suite 2R, New York, NY 10023

t. 212.581.3774  e.

Click here for directions to Lincoln Square! 


Art by Dave Calver / Morgan Gaynin Inc.

© 2019 Copyright Winter's Eve at Lincoln Square | 12.2.19

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